Wednesday, August 30, 2017

7 Things I Learned in my First 30 Days

Visa not MasterCard

I got a credit card recommended by my home university. It is a MasterCard that doesn't charge foreign transaction fees. That sounded great to me. I got here and quickly realized many places only take Visa. There's not a lot of information like this about Uruguay on the internet, so I feel it is very important to put this out there for anybody else interested in coming here.

Calling home doesn't help being homesick.

I was super homesick the first week. My best advice for homesickness is:
  • Find something to do. Idleness only makes it worse.
  • Don't call home. This really just makes it harder.
  • Go explore your surroundings. This is your new home. The more you explore the more comfortable you feel.

Eat first. Ask later.

If I had been told that the pie was full of spinach I probably wouldn't have eaten it, but I ate it not knowing exactly what I was eating and I lived to tell the tale. I'm a very picky eater back home. Here, I typically have no idea what I'm eating and that's ok. I've enjoyed most all of the food so far. Food is a great way to dive into the culture as well. 

Don't judge the world with American vision.

My family keeps asking me if my neighborhood is nice and if my route to school is safe. I have a hard time explaining that while they are safe, that I wouldn't feel the same way if I were in the US. There is a different standard here. My neighborhood is safe, but there's graffiti and trash in my concrete jungle. There are bars on the windows and I don't walk alone at night. I cannot judge Uruguay as I would America. They each have different ways of living and therefore cannot be judged using the same standards.

Just speak

I'm not by any means fluent in Spanish. I stumble over conjugations, mess up pronunciations, and don't know the words I need half the time. It takes me longer to process input and output. I need a minute to comprehend the question and patience when I'm trying to form my answer.  I've found that even though at times I struggle people appreciate my attempt and are more than willing to help me. My host family has been amazing about helping me. They correct me and teach me new words on a daily basis. Pointing and gestures can also get you pretty far. I've been here a month and I still embarrass myself when I try to communicate, whether it's answering a question and being completely off base or not using vocabulary words in my essay because I didn't know we were supposed to. All of my efforts to communicate have paid off though. The guy selling mate cups at the feria was very excited to talk to somebody from the States in Spanish.  I ordered ice cream and actually got what I wanted. My host dad has latched on to a funny story that I told and repeats it to everybody who comes to the house. Just speak. It's worth it.

Dive into the culture

Embrace it whole heartedly. Eat the their food, not what you are used to at home. Try out their accent.  Use their slang and gestures. Copy the people around you. You are there to learn about life there.  I've come to realize that for the rest of my life I will have a little bit of Uruguay in me. Whether that be drinking maté, pronouncing the /y/ sounds like /j/ sounds, or brushing my chin to mean I don't know. It took me a bit, but I'm finally embracing the culture here. I sip maté every morning and my double L's and Y's sometimes come out sounding less like the textbooks told me they did. I'm now trying to absorb all that I can because I understand how important it is and how it will impact the rest of my life. I'm not yet sold on the tall shoes, but other things I've embraced whole-heartedly.

You're going to learn a lot about your culture 

I've met lots of people here. People from all over the world. Being in contact with so many cultures is very interesting. Through learning about other cultures, I've learned a few things about America and myself.
  • I have a southern accent. I apparently talk with some twang. 
  • Cornbread is very American.
  • Americans get married very young. In Uruguay you are considered an adolescent until your in your 30's. In Germany, if  a girl is getting married at 22 she's probably pregnant. 
  • Americans do not travel internationally as much and do not learn as many languages most other countries. 
  • Traditional values are being lost by young people. I know that many of my values are very traditional, but now I'm realizing that I'm one of a few that have held on to them. 

Friday, August 25, 2017

Week 4/Semana 4

Day 22:
I went the the feria again this weekend. It was super pretty, but a little cool.
See all those tents? That's not even 1/4 of all of them.
Each aisle is super long and full of cool stuff.
Pretty things
So much stuff
More matés

After the feria, I went to the mall to buy some markers and colored pencils to practice hand-lettering.
Puntas Carretas

On the way home, I saw a farmers's market. I had nothing to do, so I took a stroll through. 
Most ginormous farmer's market
Vegetables, fruit, bread,
fish, cheese, cereal, snacks. They had so much stuff.

I officially have everything I need to drink maté. I bought a ceramic maté cup (my other one was wood inside, so I didn't want to use it, but I love the outside). I also got a thermos, yerba (the leaves to make the drink), and a special straw. The alfajores are because I love them and Tulita stole mine from last week when she let herself into the casita.
Uruguayn Starter Kit

Today was good. It's supposed to get really rain and last for awhile, so I may not have many pictures or cool things to talk about this week.

Day 23:
I put my maté to good use today. I added a little sugar to my water and it was enough to make it less bitter.  I spent my morning watching church and sipping maté.
Maté and Jesus

Then it was off to school with a second thermos of water. My teacher kinda made fun of me, but it's whatever.
Looking Uruguayan today
My walk home

Tulita helped me with my homework
And I thought writing essays with a fat cat on my lap was hard
Day 24:
I've realized that forever more I will have a little Uruguay in me. Whether it's sipping my maté or pronouncing my /y/ sounds funny, Uruguay will always be a part of who I am until the day that I die. It's a pretty incredible feeling to realize this and it's very hard to describe.

Day 25:
As is now the norm, I started my day with maté and Jesus. Then it was off to Spanish class and that's where it all went downhill. I had a hard time today because my teacher seems to enjoy pointing out people's faults when they're speaking. I understand she's there to teach me the language and to do so she must correct me, but it's more about how she goes about it. I gladly accept corrections from my host family or Jenny. They are obviously trying to help me and aren't nit picky about it. My Spanish teacher on the other hand makes me feel incompetent in something I already feel incompetent in. I'm easily the lowest level speaker in the class. I know because she makes it no secret. She announced to everybody that I did my homework wrong. I wrote about an artist, but not using the vocabulary she wanted me to. I was fine with her reading everybody else's papers aloud and skipping mine, which she did without making a big deal about it. I simply didn't understand why she had to announce it to the class afterwards. I misunderstood the directions because, well I don't know, maybe because they were in Spanish. She corrects every word I mutter and then tells me to relax when she calls upon me. How am I supposed to relax when I know I'm going to get put through the wringer by the time I get 5 words out of my mouth? It's very embarrassing and it only makes the thoughts I have about my Spanish worse than they already are. Anyways, here's a pigeon somewhere between outside and inside of the school. Side note: The pigeons here aren't afraid of much. You can walk right up to them.
This picture was taken from inside.

And here is a picture of my house from the street. It's got pretty stained glass windows, but there are bars in front of them as with most windows and doors here.

My Uruguayan home

Day 26:
This morning was very rainy. It poured all night long. Now, I'm not used to being able to hear the storms from my basement bedroom back home, therefore sleep was an issue.
Least I didn't have to walk school in the rain

Everyday on my way to and from school I pass this beautifully painted wall. Today there wasn't anybody there so I stopped to take a picture. It's like a park area. There are a few swings in the back, but the cool part is the wall.
Very pretty painting

Day 27:
It rained all day. Thank goodness it was Día de Independencia and there was no school. I never even put on real pants. I watched movies and pinned Christmas stuff. I enjoyed it so very much. Free time was an issue because I think I had forgotten how to relax, but now I really enjoy my do nothing days. I can finally do all those things I said I'd do when I had time.

Day 28:
Today was again fairly lazy, but I did go to the store. I watched Frosty the Snowman this morning before going to the store. Then I watched a  movie with Laura when I got home. Also, turns out my classes are over November 28 and it is highly unlikely I will have to take finals. I will be coming home much earlier than expect!

Día 22:
Fui a la feria otra vez este fin de semana. Estaba muy bonita, pero un poco fresco. 
¿Ves todos los toldos? No es un cuarto.
Cada pasillo es muy larga y llena de cosas.
Cosas bonitas
Tantas cosas
Más mates

Después de la feria, fui a Puntas Carretas para comprar unos lápices de colores y marcadores.
Puntas Carretas
Vi una feria de comida en mi camino hacia la casa. No tuve nada para hacer, así di un paseo.
Gigiante feria. Mucha comida
Vegetables, fruta, pan,
pescado, queso, cereal y meriendas.

Tengo oficialmente todo para tomar mate. Compré un mate de cerámica (mi otro es totalmente de madera y no quiero usar pero me encanta). También compré un termo, la yerba y una bombilla. Los alfajores son porque me encantan y Tulita comió mío la semana pasada cuando se dejó en la casita.
Kit Uruguayo

Hoy fue bueno. Se supone que llover para mucho de la semana, así no sé si habrá muchas fotos o cosas interesantes esta semana. 

Día 23:
Hoy uso mi mate. Uso un poco azúcar a mi agua para hacerlo menos amargo. Bebí mate mientras miraba iglesia.
Maté and Jesús

Entonces salí a la universidad con un segundo termo del agua. Mi profesora se burló de mi, pero es lo que sea.
Perecí muy Uruguaya hoy
Mi camino

Tulita me ayudó con mi tarea
Y creía que haciendo tarea con un gato gordo en mi piernas fue difícil

Día 24:
Me di la que para siempre más voy a tener un poco de Uruguay en mi. Si es tomar mate o decir el sonido /y/ diferente. Uruguay siempre será un parte de quien soy hasta la día de mi muerte. Es un sentido incredible y difícil para describir. 

Día 25:
Como siempre ahora, empecé mi día con maté Jesucristo. Entonces fui a la clase de español. Odio esa clase. Apenas entendí unos de los conceptos en inglés y ahora no entiendo nada. También la profesora no es discreto con sus correcciones. Ya me siento incapaz con español y ella no ayuda. Entiendo que ella está acá para enseñar español y que necesito las correcciones para mejorar.  Las correcciones de Laura, Eduardo o Jenny no me molestan. Me gustan porque me ayudan. Pero a mi profesora me correcta tanto que después de cinco palabras no recuerdo que yo decía. Por ejemplo no sé como hacer el sonido para "rr" como en perro. He tratado mucho pero todavía no puedo. Ella correcta ese sonido mucho pero no me ayuda porque no entiendo como hacer el sonido. Cuando ella solamente muestra (a toda la clase) mis inhabilidades tengo vergüenza. Soy muy tímida y muy acomplejada de mi español sin su ayuda. Siempre salgo la clase en mal humor porque me siento incapaz y estúpida. De todos modos, acá es un paloma entre de afuera y dentro de la universidad. Nota: Los palomas acá no tienen miedo de nada.

Saqué esa foto por dentro. .

Y acá es mi casa. Tiene ventas muy bonitas de muchas colores, pero hay barras en frente de ellas como todas las ventanas y muchas de las puertas acá. 

Mi casa uruguaya

Día 26:
Estaba lluviosa esta mañana. Realmente toda la noche llovía. No estoy acostumbrada oír las tormentas de mi dormitorio en el sótano en Joplin, por lo tanto el sueño fue un problema.
Al menos no tenía caminar en la lluvia.

Todos los día en camino a la universidad, camino por este muro pintado. Hoy no había nadie allá, así paré para sacar una foto. Es como un parque. Hay unos columpios en el fondo, pero el parte copado es el muro.
Muy copado

Día 27:
Hoy estaba lluvioso. Pero, fue la Día de Independencia y no tuve clase. Nunca ponía pantalones reales. Miré películas y busque para cosas de Navidad. Disfruté tan mucho. Al principio tiempo libre fue un problema porque creo que había olvidado como descansar, pero ahora lo disfruto mucho. Finalmente puedo hacer todas las cosas que deje que haría si tuviera tiempo.

Día 28:
Hoy, de nuevo, estaba muy perezosa, pero fui a Punta Carretas. Miré Frosty the Snowman esta mañana antes de fui. Entonces miré una película con Laura cuando regresé. También, descubrí que mis clases terminan el 28 de noviembre y probablemente no voy a tener que tomar exámenes finales. Voy a regresar mucho más temprano que esperado.